Good Saturday morning. It’s been a couple of very busy weeks for The Green Kitchen and I’ve been remiss in my blogging duties.

For those following my Whole30 journey before, I lasted 2 weeks. Am I afraid to admit failure? Not in the least. But I really don’t consider it failure. I did lose 4 lbs in just those couple of weeks. The lesson learned was how certain foods made me feel once I returned to eating them. I noticed during those 2 weeks on Whole30 that I had more energy and yet when I went back to certain foods, my energy level declined. So now, I am more aware of my food choices.

Recently I had a conversation with some women in the business mentoring group that I belong to centered around my question of why is so hard to develop good habits? In particular, good eating habits. Their answer was simple. And that is to make a conscious decision when choosing what to eat – ask yourself “is this going to make me feel good or bad?” And that means not only within your body and how it functions but also emotionally. Emotional eating can wreck havoc on one’s self and I have been guilty of that for years. Drowning one’s self in a bag of chips or carton of ice cream because you’ve had a bad day will not make you feel any better. It will trick you to feel comforted.

It can be likened to shopping for the right clothes. You go to different stores, trying on different outfits until you find the right one. We have to do the same thing with food. Make the smart choice so you can look and feel good about yourself.

The Green Kitchen has been fortunate enough to work with clients suffering from various illnesses and diseases. We recently had a big “win” of a doctor referral. His patient suffers from anti-inflammatory issues and needs to change her eating habits. He referred her to me and we are working together creating meals with the right ingredients to combat her issues.

How about you? What are your dietary challenges? Do you suffer from an illness or disease? Or do you just not have time to cook or possibly just don’t like to cook? Why not let The Green Kitchen help you with those challenges? Give us a call. We’d love to help.
Or 804-687-7099. And check out for some great testimonials.


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